⚽️?FC Aztec FPL?⚽️
This year we are going to use the FPL as another chance for fundraising for the club... with a great opportunity for a decent cash prize to the winners as well ?.... open to parents, sponsors, everyone!
The rules are - £10 entry fee per team.
50% of the pot will go to league positions (if there's enough uptake I'd love to do top 3)
15% Will go to the Cup winners
35% Will go to the Club
Please share with everyone who you think would be interested and let's get a good group up and running by Friday PM.
If entry fees can be sent to the Aztec Account - please use your FPL name in your ref
Acc name FC Aztec (business account)
Acc number 65837134
Sort code 53-61-33
FPL league details are below -
League Code: t9gwqd